The single site Kräuterberg is located in the municipality of Walporzheim. It is one of the top vineyards on the Ahr. Most of the Pinot Noir grapes and a small part of Dornfelder and Müller-Thurgau are found on a good 5 hectares of vineyards. The vines thrive on greywack weathering stone, slate weathering and fine sand loam. The exposed location with south-east orientation on the B267, opposite the Roman villa and the Silberberg location, consists of terraces with steep slopes in between with a gradient of 15 to 60%. This is how aromatic and full-bodied wines are created in the herb mountain.
Soil: Stony, fine sandy loam from greywack and slate weathered soil.
Size: 3.34 hectares | Exposure: Southeast | Steepness: 15 - 60%
Wine style: Aromatic and full-bodied Pinot Noir. Good aging potential.