Andreas Laible
The community of Durbach in beautiful Ortenau is well known among regular Black Forest radio listeners. At least from listening to the radio. In addition to the Kaiserstuhl and Markgräflerland growing areas, Ortenau is the third largest area in the Baden wine-growing area. The Ortenau extends from Baden-Baden in the north to Offenburg in the south. It is the only German wine-growing region to be part of the European Community's wine-growing zone B, as well as the French wine-growing regions Loire, Jura, Alsace and Champagne. Different provisions apply to vinification with regard to enrichment, must weight, acidification and deacidification.
It is said that the best Baden Pinot Noir come from Ortenau, where the main grape variety is Pinot Noir with a share of around 42%, followed by Riesling with 28%.
The Laibles, whose first names have been Andreas for five generations, have been growing wine in Durbach's top location Am Bühl since 1672. In the well-known steep slope, the Plauelrain, mineral wines grow, obtained from a centuries-old winemaking tradition that dates back to 1672. The gnarled vines thrive in this unique vineyard, in the golden wine town of Durbach.
The Laibles like wines with moderate alcohol levels, with Riesling just 12 percent alcohol and Burgundy seldom more than 13 percent. The fermentation of the Rieslings takes place in steel tanks with a maturation period on the yeast (sur-lie). The Burgundy are matured in large wood, here in a piece barrel, in order to obtain a slight oxidative note. The floors made of gneiss, porphyry and weathered granite give the wine a fine acid structure, which means that they always appear elegant, fine and lively. Due to their reductive development, the wines need time to reach their optimal drinking maturity, which is to be discovered.
2020 Klingelberger 1782 | trocken | Andreas Laible
☆ Andreas Laible ☆

EUR 22,00
0.750 Liter bottle
/basic price EUR 29,33 pro Liter
incl. 19 % VAT excl. shipping costs
2020 Klingelberger 1782 | trocken | Andreas Laible
- Andreas Laible -

EUR 22,00
0.750 Liter bottle
/basic price EUR 29,33 pro Liter
incl. 19 % VAT excl. shipping costs
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