The winery describes itself with the terroir thoughts, Rhine terrace and Wonnegau, lime and slate, vine and soil, nature and culture as well as the artefacts architecture and lifestyle. The aim is to make the passage of wine from space into time palatable. The ecological economy has been expanded since 2005 by the bio-dynamics, which Carolin Spanier-Gillot internalized as a great togetherness.
Carolin Spanier-Gillot: It is important to us that we recognize ourselves and our soil in our wines. Authenticity is our compass, even if it is often the more rocky road in viticulture.
2019 KREUZ Spätburgunder GG
☆ Kühling-Gillot ☆

EUR 48,00
0.750 Liter bottle
/basic price EUR 64,00 pro Liter
incl. 19 % VAT excl. shipping costs
2019 KREUZ Spätburgunder GG
- Kühling-Gillot -

EUR 48,00
0.750 Liter bottle
/basic price EUR 64,00 pro Liter
incl. 19 % VAT excl. shipping costs
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- Kühling-Gillot
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