Vineyard Kronnest
The Wegeler winery recultivated three terraces in 2015. A habitat for herbs, warmth-loving animals and Riesling vines was created.
The old Middle Rhine double pile education (also called Kauber education) was selected as typical for the terraced vineyard location. Old Riesling clones from the 19th century adapt perfectly to the tanus quartzite. Blooming herbs and flowers give an insight into natural viticulture.
The Upper Nature Conservation Authority of the State of Hesse and the Eltville Viticulture Office provided advice to the winery during the implementation of the terrace project.
- Aldinger
- Alfred Merkelbach
- Andreas Laible
- August Kesseler
- Bassermann-Jordan
- Battenfeld-Spanier
- Bernhard Huber
- Bernkasteler Ring
- Carl Loewen
- Christmann
- Clemens Busch
- Daniel Twardowski
- Darting
- Dönnhoff
- Dr. Bürklin-Wolf
- Dr. Heger
- Dr. Hermann
- Dr. Loosen
- Dr.Crusius
- Emrich-Schönleber
- Forstmeister Geltz Zilliken
- Franz Keller
- Fritz Haag
- Geheimrat J. Wegeler
- Georg Breuer
- Glashütte Riedel
- Gut Hermannsberg
- Gutzler
- Heymann-Löwenstein
- J.J. Adeneuer
- Jakob Schneider
- Juliusspital
- Karthäuserhof
- Kees-Kieren
- Knebel
- Kühling-Gillot
- Matthias Müller
- MaxFerd. Richter
- Maximin Grünhaus
- Meyer-Näkel
- Nelles
- Odinstal
- Ökonomierat Rebholz
- Peter Jakob Kühn
- Peter Lauer
- Raumland
- Rieger
- Robert Weil
- Rudolf Fürst
- Schäfer-Fröhlich
- Schätzel
- Schloss Lieser
- Schloss Saarstein
- Selbach-Oster
- Siegrist
- Tesch
- Van Volxem
- Von Othegraven
- von Winning
- Weltner
- Willi Schäfer
- Wwe. Dr. H. Thanisch
- Ziereisen, Hanspeter