Vitaevino - Campagne
In support of a sector at risk
Wine is facing a significant existential threat as a growing anti-alcohol movement increasingly seeks to demonise alcoholic beverages. The responsible and moderate consumption of wine – which is the way the overwhelming majority of wine consumers enjoy it – is being stigmatised by the removal of the distinction between alcohol abuse and the moderate wine consumption within a healthy and balanced lifestyle.
Join the movement and sign the declaration. The campaign has been running since October 2024.
Go to the Vitaevino website and get smart! Then select your preferred language at the top right.
Eintrag von Januar 2025. Herzlichst, Ihr Sommelier weinthum team.
- Aldinger
- Alfred Merkelbach
- Andreas Laible
- August Kesseler
- Bassermann-Jordan
- Battenfeld-Spanier
- Bernhard Huber
- Bernkasteler Ring
- Carl Loewen
- Christmann
- Clemens Busch
- Daniel Twardowski
- Darting
- Dönnhoff
- Dr. Bürklin-Wolf
- Dr. Heger
- Dr. Hermann
- Dr. Loosen
- Dr.Crusius
- Emrich-Schönleber
- Forstmeister Geltz Zilliken
- Franz Keller
- Fritz Haag
- Geheimrat J. Wegeler
- Georg Breuer
- Glashütte Riedel
- Gut Hermannsberg
- Gutzler
- Heymann-Löwenstein
- J.J. Adeneuer
- Jakob Schneider
- Juliusspital
- Karthäuserhof
- Kees-Kieren
- Knebel
- Kühling-Gillot
- Matthias Müller
- MaxFerd. Richter
- Maximin Grünhaus
- Meyer-Näkel
- Nelles
- Odinstal
- Ökonomierat Rebholz
- Peter Jakob Kühn
- Peter Lauer
- Raumland
- Rieger
- Robert Weil
- Rudolf Fürst
- Schäfer-Fröhlich
- Schätzel
- Schloss Lieser
- Schloss Saarstein
- Selbach-Oster
- Siegrist
- Tesch
- Van Volxem
- Von Othegraven
- von Winning
- Weltner
- Willi Schäfer
- Wwe. Dr. H. Thanisch
- Ziereisen, Hanspeter
Wine chapter